Bernie Larkin, 7 Westbourne Gardens and formerly Glenravel.

Larkin (née O’Hagan) (7 Westbourne Gardens, Ballymena and formerly Glenravel), 24th January 2025 (peacefully at hospital) Bernadette (Bernie) RIP, beloved mother of Anna and Jack, much loved sister of Elaine, Anne, Patricia, Michelle and Marie and loving daughter of the late Neil and Mary.

“House Private Please” as requested by Bernie.

Bernie’s remains left her sister Patricia McQuillan’s residence 23 Tuftarney Road, Glenravel, on Tuesday 28th January at 10.20am for 11am Requiem Mass in Mary Queen of Peace Church, Glenravel (which can be viewed via the parish webcam) burial immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

Bernie's passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing son, daughter, sisters, in laws, nieces, nephews and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her.

Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral and Monumental Services Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: