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When filling in this Form, you will be prompted to view a selection of Readings, Psalms and Optional Personal Choices for inclusion in the Order of Service Booklet, Mourning Support Card and Doscard™. Please have a browse through these recommended suggestions below, all of which will be available to select when completing the Form.
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+ First Readings
A reading from the book of Job (19:1, 23-27)
Job said: 'Ah, would that these words of mine were written down, inscribed on some monument with iron chisel and engraving tool, cut into the rock for ever. This I know: that my Avenger lives, and he, the last, will take his stand on earth. After my awaking, he will set me close to him, and from my flesh I shall look on God. He whom I shall see will take my part: these eyes will gaze on him and find him not aloof.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the Book of Wisdom (3:1-9)
The souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God, no torment shall ever touch them. In the eyes of the unwise, they did appear to die, their going looked like a disaster, their leaving us, like annihilation; but they are at peace. If they experienced punishment as men see it, their hope was rich with immortality; slight was their affliction, great will their blessings be. God has put them to the test and proved them to be worthy with him; he has tested them like gold in a furnace, and accepted them as a holocaust. When the time comes for his visitation they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they. They shall judge nations, rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king forever. They who trust in him will understand the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love; for grace and mercy await those he has chosen.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the Book of Wisdom (4:7-15)
The virtuous person, though he die before his time, will find rest. Length of days is not what makes age honourable, nor number of years the measure of life; understanding, this is man's grey hairs, untarnished life, this is ripe old age. He has sought to please God, so God has loved him; as he was living among sinners, he has been taken up. He has been carried off so that evil may not wrap his understanding or treachery seduce his soul; for the fascination of evil throws good things into the shade and the whirlwind of desire corrupts a simple heart. Coming to perfection in so short a while, he achieved long life; his soul being pleasing to the Lord, he has taken him quickly from the wickedness around him. Yet people look on, uncomprehending; it does not enter their heads that grace and mercy await the chosen of the Lord, and protection, his holy ones.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the prophet Isaiah (25:6-9)
On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food. On this mountain he will remove the mourning veil covering all peoples, and the shroud enwrapping all nations, he will destroy death forever. The Lord will wipe away the tears from every cheek; he will take away his people's shame everywhere on earth, for the Lord has said so. That day, it will be said: See, this is our God in whom we hoped for salvation; the Lord is the one in whom we hoped. We exult and we rejoice that he has saved us.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the book of Lamentations (3:17-26)
My soul is shut out from peace; I have forgotten happiness. And now I say, 'My strength is gone, that hope which came from the Lord.' Brooding on my anguish and affliction is gall and wormwood. My spirit ponders it continually and sinks within me. This is what I shall tell my heart, and so recover hope: the favours of the Lord are not all past, his kindnesses are not exhausted; every morning they are renewed; great is their faithfulness. My portion is the Lord' says my soul and so I will hope in him.' The Lord is good to those who trust him, to the soul that searches for him. It is good to wait in silence for the Lord to save.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the 2nd book of Maccabees (12:43-45)
Judas, the leader of the Jews, took a collection from the people individually, amounting to nearly two thousand drachmae, and sent it to Jerusalem to have a sacrifice for sin offered, an altogether fine and noble action, in which he took full account of the resurrection. For if he had not expected the fallen to rise again it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead, whereas if he had in view the splendid recompense reserved for those who make a pious end, the thought was holy and devout. This was why he had this atonement sacrifice offered for the dead, so that they might be released from their sin.
The word of the Lord.
+ Second Readings
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans (5:5-11)
Hope is not deceptive, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given us. We were still helpless when at his appointed moment Christ died for sinful men. It is not easy to die even for a good man - though of course for someone really worthy, a man might be prepared to die - but what proves that God loves us is that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Having died to make us righteous, is it likely that he would now fail to save us from God's anger? When we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, we were still enemies; now that we have been reconciled, surely we may count on being saved by the life of his Son? Not merely because we have been reconciled but because we are filled with joyful trust in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have already gained our reconciliation.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans (6:3-9)
When we were baptised in Christ Jesus we were baptised in his death; in other words, when we were baptised we went into the tomb with him and joined him in death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father's glory, we too might live a new life. But we believe that having died with Christ we shall return to life with him: Christ, as we know, having been raised from the dead will never die again. Death has no power over him anymore.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the second a letter of St Paul to Timothy 4:6-8
I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the Letter of St Paul to the Romans (14:7-12)
The life and death of each of us has its influence on others; if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord, so that alive or dead we belong to the Lord. This explains why Christ both died and came to life, it was that he might be both Lord of the dead and the living. We shall all have to stand before the judgement seat of God; as scripture says; By my life - it is the Lord who speaks - every knee shall bend before me, and every tongue shall praise God. It is God, therefore, that each of us must give an account of himself.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from St Paul to the Thessalonians (4:13-18)
We want you to be quite certain, brothers, about those who have died, to make sure that you do not grieve about them, like the other people who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and that it will be the same for those who have died in Jesus: God will bring them with him. We can tell you this from the Lord's own teaching, that any of us who are left alive until the Lord's coming will not have any advantage over those who have died. At the trumpet of God, the voice of the archangel will call out the command and the Lord himself will come down from heaven; those who have died in Christ will be the first to rise, and then those of us who are still alive will be taken up in the clouds, together with them; to meet the Lord in the air. So we shall stay with the Lord forever. With such thoughts as these you should comfort one another.
The word of the Lord.
A reading from the first letter of St John (3:1-2)
Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God's children; and that is what we are. Because the world refused to acknowledge him, therefore it does not acknowledge us. My dear people, we are already the children of God but what we are to be in the future has not yet been revealed; all we know is, that when it is revealed we shall be like him because we shall see him as he really is.
The word of the Lord
+ Responsorial Psalms
Psalm 26 - Response: The Lord is my light and my help.
The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; before whom shall I shrink? R.
There is one thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long, to live in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to savour the sweetness of the Lord, to behold his temple. R.
O Lord, hear my voice when I call; have mercy and answer. Of you my heart has spoken: "Seek his face." R.
I am sure I shall see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living. Hope in him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord! R.
Psalm 114 - Response: I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.
How gracious is the Lord and just; our God has compassion. The Lord protects the simple hearts; I was helpless so he saved me. R.
I trusted, even when I said: 'I am sorely afflicted,' and when I said in my alarm: 'No man can be trusted'. R.
O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful. Your servant, Lord, your servant am I; You have loosened my bonds. R
Psalm: 22 - Response: The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures Where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, To revive my drooping spirit. R.
He guides me along the right path; He is true to his name. If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort. R.
You have prepared a banquet for me, In the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing. R.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me, all the days of my life. In the Lord's own house shall I dwell, for ever and ever. R.
Psalm 121 - Response: I rejoice when I heard them say: 'Let us go to God's house.'
I rejoice when I heard them say: 'Let us go to God's house'. And now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. R.
Jerusalem is built as a city strongly compact. It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord. R.
For the peace of Jerusalem pray: 'Peace be to your homes! May peace reign in your walls, in your palaces, peace! R.
For the love of my brethren and friends I say 'Peace upon you!' For the love of the house of the Lord I will ask for your good. R.
Psalm 41 - Response: My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life.
Like a deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God. R.
My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life; when can I enter and see the face of God? R.
By day the Lord will send his loving kindness; by night I will sing to him, praise the god of my life. R.
Why are you cast down, my soul, why groan within me? Hope in God; I will praise him still, my saviour and my God. R.
Psalm 102 - Response: The Lord is compassion and love.
The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults. R.
For as the heavens are high above the earth so strong is his love for those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our sins. R.
As a father has compassion on his children, the Lord has pity of those who fear him; for he knows of what we are made, he remembers that we are dust. R.
The love of the Lord is everlasting upon those who fear him; he justice reaches out to children's children when they keep his covenant in truth. R.
Psalm 129 - Response: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice.
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, Lord, hear my voice. O let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleading. R.
If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? But with you is found forgiveness: for this we revere you. R.
My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his work. My soul is longing for the Lord more than watchman for daybreak. R.
Because with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption, Israel indeed he will redeem from all its iniquity. R.
+ Text for Rear of Doscard
Doscard Poems
When You Feel Lonely
When You feel Lonely When a person you love passes away Look to the night sky on a clear day. The star that to you, appears to be bright, Will be your loved one,Looking upon you during the night. The lights of heaven are what shows through As your loved one watches all that you do. When you feel lonely for the one that you love, Look to the Heavens in the night sky above.
I Did Not Die
Do not stand at my grave and weep; I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn’s rain, When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die.
I Heard Your Voice In The Wind Today
I heard your voice in the wind today and I turned to see your face; The warmth of the wind caressed me as I stood silently in place. I felt your touch in the sun today as its warmth filled the sky; I closed my eyes for your embrace and my spirit soared high. I saw your eyes in the window pane as I watched the falling rain; It seemed as each raindrop fell it quietly said your name. I held you close in my heart today it made me feel complete; You may have died…but you are not gone you will always be a part of me. As long as the sun shines… the wind blows… the rain falls… You will live on inside of me forever
I Thought Of You Today
I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new I thought about you yesterday and days before that too, I think of you in silence I often speak your name All I have are memories and your picture in a frame Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.
A Million Times
You never said I’m leaving You never said good-bye You were gone before I knew it And only God knew why A million times we’ve needed you, A million times we’ve cried. If love alone could’ve saved you, You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place, No one else will ever fill. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone. Part of us went with you, The day God took you home
I’m Going To Tell You Something
I’m going to tell you something, I hope you’ll never have to know. Ill tell you how a heart can break and tears can constant flow. I lost my baby girl you see an angel in my eyes The lord reached right down, took her hand and led her to the skies. Please don’t ever tell me, that time will heal my pain because not even time, will bring her back again. Please do not forget my child, she was a person too, forever she will live, inside of me and you. Just tell me that’s she’s happy, in that land way up above, she’s snuggled in an angels wings wrapped in mummy & daddy’s love.
Doscard Prayers
Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help, or sought Thy intercession was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto Thee, O Virgin of Virgins. My Mother! To Thee I come, before Thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in Thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
O’Gentlest Heart
O gentlest heart of Jesus, Ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, Ever consumed with burning love For the poor captive souls, Have mercy on the soul of thy departed servant. Be not sever in Thy judgment But let some drops of Thy Precious Blood Fall upon the devouring flames, And do Thou O Merciful Saviour, Send Thy angels to conduct thy departed servant To a place of refreshment, Light and peace. Amen
Resurrection Prayer
Most merciful Father, we commend our departed into your hands. We are filled with the sure hope that our departed will rise again on the Last Day with all who have died in Christ. We thank you for all the good things you have given during our departed's earthly life. O Father, in your great mercy, accept our prayer that the Gates of Paradise may be opened for your servant. In our turn, may we too be comforted by the words of faith until we greet Christ in glory and are united with you and our departed. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
We Give Them Back
We give them back to you, O Lord, who first gave them to us; yet as you did not lose them in the giving, so we do not lose them by their return . . . For what is yours is ours also, if we belong to you. Love is unending, and the boundary of this mortal life is but a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. Lift us up, strong Son of God, that we may see more clearly . . . And while you prepare a place for us, prepare us also for that happy place, that we may be with you and with those we loved for evermore.
Hail, Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you we cry, the children of Eve; to you we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this land of exile. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us; lead us home at last and show us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus: O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
St. Michael the Archangel
Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly house, By the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits Who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Doscard Bible Verses
The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, For they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, For they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted, for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:3-10
Psalm 84
How dear to me is your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts! My soul hath a desire and longing for the Courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. The sparrow has found her a house And the swallow a nest where she may lay her young; by the side of your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Happy are they who dwell in your
Psalm 121
I will lift mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
John 14:1-3
Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go and prepare a place for you? And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
+ Hymns and Song Examples
Entrance Hymns
Be Thou My Vision
Lord Of All Hopefulness
Come And Worship, Royal Priesthood.
The Light Of Christ
Amazing Grace
O The Love Of My Lord Is The Essence
This Day God Gives Me
Offertory Hymns
In Bread We Bring You, Lord
Gifts Of Bread And Wine
All That I Am
Take Our Bread We Ask You
Lord, Accept The Gifts We Offer
Communion Hymns
I Am The Bread Of Life
Cead Mile Falite Romhat
This Is My Body, Broken For You
Soul Of My Saviour
Sweet Heart Of Jesus
Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord
Love Is His Word
O, Let All Who Thirst
The Lord's My Shepherd
Jesus Remember Me
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
I Watched The Sunrise
Recessional Hyms
Nearer My God To Thee
Abide With Me
Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God
Anthem To Our Lady: Salve Regina
O Lord My God
When I In Awesome Wonder
Lead Kindly Light
#1 Order of Service Booklet with the Doscard™
Our most popular 4 page Order of Service Booklet Option which includes our Doscard™ (Detachable Order of Service Card)
A completely new and practical way to capture the memory of your loved one in a way that fits right into your pocket, purse or wallet.
Complete all Numbers
#2 Traditional Order of Service Booklet
Our Traditional 4 page Order of Service Booklet with a Printed photograph.
Complete Numbers 1-29, 32, 34 & 35
#3 Detachable Mourning Support Dosard™
Capture the memory of your loved one in a way that fits right into your pocket, purse or wallet. This detachable Doscrad™ is mounted on a double sided A5 replica Support Card, which in turn can be framed and placed on a mantle piece or desk top.
Complete Numbers 1-11, 13, 19, 23, 24, 30-35