Margaret (Maggie) Craig, 9 Smyth Crescent, Portglenone.

Craig (née Stockman) 9 Smyth Crescent, Portglenone, 26th December 2024 (suddenly but peacefully) Margaret (Maggie) RIP, beloved wife of the late Tommy and much loved sister of Willie John, Joey. Colette (Tohill), Kathleen (Boyd), Austin and the late Seamus

Maggie’s wake officially began at her late residence on Saturday 28th December 2024 at 4pm. Her remains left her late residence on Monday 30th December at 10.20am for 11am Requiem Mass in St Mary’s Church Portglenone (which can be viewed via the parish webcam) burial immediately afterwards in Aughnahoy Cemetery.

NB: Family time requested please each day between 10pm and 10am.

Maggie’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing, brothers, sisters, brothers in law, sisters in law, nieces nephews and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for her.

Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral and Monumental Services Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: