Henry (nee Mc Afee) 152 Mayogall Road, Clady, Portglenone


Henry (nee Mc Afee) (152 Mayogall Road, Clady, Portglenone) 14th November 2019 (peacefully at Weavers House Nursing Home) Ann RIP, beloved wife of the late Harry, much loved mother of Paul, Mark and Carl and loving sister of Seamus, Brendan, Oliver, Raymond and the late JP. Ann’s remains left her late residence on Sunday 17th November at 10.15am for 11am Requiem Mass in St Oliver Plunkett's Church Clady and her burial took place immediately afterwards in St Mary's Cemetery Greenlough. Ann’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, brothers, daughters in law Noleen, Siobhan and Eilish, sisters in law, grandchildren and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. Detail enquires to WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors or visit : nifunerals.com.

NB: Ann’s wake officially began on Friday at 2pm at her late residence, whereby visitors were most welcome to call and pay their respects.

Boyle (nee Mulholland) 39 Shelton Road, Loughguile.


Boyle (nee Mulholland) (39 Shelton Road, Loughguile) 13th November 2019 (peacefully at Hospital) Bernadette (Bernie) R.I.P. beloved wife of J.P. much loved mother of Roisin, Rian and Barra and loving sister of Joe, Anthony, Gerard, Phonsie, Maree, Eileen and Ann. Bernie’s remains left her late residence on Saturday 16th November 2019 at 10.20am for 11am Requiem Mass in St. Patrick’s Church Loughguile and her burial took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining Cemetery. Bernie’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband, daughter, sons, brothers, sisters, in-laws, grandchildren Leah, Blaize and Harper and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for her. “House Strictly Private Please, Immediate Family Only”. Details enquiries to WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors, Ballymena Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

Caldwell (331A Fountainville, Garvagh)


Caldwell 11th November 2019 (Peacefully at Causeway Hospital, Coleraine) Robert (Bob) 331A  Fountainville, Garvagh. Always remembered by his daughter Roberta, son Alec, daughter Ann and the late Nigel and his stepdaughters Isobel and Esther, stepson David, brother Sammy, sister Margaret and the late Annie and Jeannie, grandchildren and all the family circle. Funeral Service in his late residence on Wednesday 13th November at 2.45pm followed by burial immediately afterwards in St. Paul’s Church of Ireland Cemetery, Main Street, Garvagh. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his loving family and entire family circle. Detail enquiries to WJ O’Donnell & Sons, Funeral Directors, Ballymena, Tel: 028 2563 1406  or visit: nifunerals.com

 NB: Bob’s wake officially began on Monday evening at 8pm at his late residence.

Higgins (114 Glenravel Road, Martinstown)

henry higgins photo.jpg

Higgins (114 Glenravel Road, Martinstown) 10th November 2019 (peacefully at Glendun Nursing Home, Cushendun) Henry RIP, beloved husband of the late Cecilia, much loved father of Paul, Desmond and Martin, loving father in law of Patsy Ann and Sinead and dear brother of the late Danny, Seamus, Mary, Elizabeth, John, Peg, Eileen, Phil, Paddy, Alex, Phonsie, Vincey and Stella.  His remains were removed from his late residence on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm to Mary Queen of Peace Church, Glenravel. Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 12noon and his burialtook place immediately afterwards in the adjoining Cemetery. Henry’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing sons, daughters in law, grandchildren Michael, Daniel, Ciaran, Eoin, Ciara, Conor, Aidan and Clodagh, nephews, nieces and all the family circle. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. Detail enquiries to WJ O’Donnell & Sons, Funeral Directors, Ballymena, Tel: 028 2563 1406  or visit: nifunerals.com

NB: Henry's wake officially began on Monday 11th November at 12noon at his late residence 114 Glenravel Road, Martinstown whereby visitors were most welcome to call and pay their respects.

Mc Peake (nee Byrne) 17 Ballymacpeake Road, Clady / Portglenone.


Mc Peake (nee Byrne) (17 Ballymacpeake Road, Clady/ Portglenone) 8th November 2019 (peacefully at hospital) Agnes RIP beloved wife of the late James, much loved mother of Maureen (Mc Gleenan) John, Kathleen (Doherty), Agnes (Campbell), Eilish (O’Neill), Jim, Vincent, Anne (Coyle), Brenda (Grant) and the late Bernadette. Agnes’s remains left her late residence on Sunday 10th November at 10.20am for 11am Funeral Mass in St. Oliver Plunkett’s Church, Clady and her burial took place immediately afterwards in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Greenlough. Agnes’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, sons in law, daughters in law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

NB: Agnes’s wake officially commenced at her late residence 17 Ballymacpeake Road, Clady on Friday 8th November at 7pm whereby everyone was most welcome to call and pay their respects.

Mc Hugh (20 Shanes Park, Cushendun)


 Mc Hugh (20 Shanes Park, Cushendun) 4th November 2019 (peacefully at hospital) John Francis (Sean) RIP, beloved husband of the late Alice, much loved father of Kieran, Eugene, Paul, Jacqueline (Hill), Felicitas (Hunter), Monica, Kevin, Aidan, Catherine (Mc Fetridge), Margaret (Healy), Bridgeen (Mc Keegan), Michael, Shauna (Johnston), Kelly and the late John and loving brother of  Bridgeen, Fr. Kevin and the late Kathleen and Raymond.  Sean’s remains were removed from his late residence on Wednesday 6th November at 6.20pm to St Patrick’s Church, Cushendun. Requiem Mass on Thursday 7th November at 11.30am followed by burial immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Sean’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing sons, daughters, brother, sister, sons in law, daughters in law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and all the family circle. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell and Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

NB: Sean’s wake officially commenced at his late residence 20 Shanes Park, Cushendun on Tuesday 5th November at 12noon whereby everyone was welcome to call and pay their respects.


Friel (40 Skerdan Road, Portglenone)


Friel (40 Skerdan Road, Portglenone) 27th October 2019 (peacefully at home) George RIP, beloved husband of the late Elizabeth, much loved father of Gemma and loving brother of Anthony, Anne and Bernadette. George’s remains were reposing in our funeral home, 85 Innishrush Road, Portglenone, BT44 8LG. Visitors were welcome to pay their respects on Tuesday 29th October from 5pm until 6.30pm whereby his remains were removed to St Mary’s Church Portglenone. Requiem Mass on Wednesday 30th October at 10am and his burial took place immediately afterwards in Aughnahoy cemetery. George’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing daughter, brother, sisters, son in law Richard, grandchildren Abby and Elle and all the family circle. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy.

Kennedy (nee Kearney) Ballymena, and formerly Millquarter


Kennedy (nee Kearney) ( Ballymena and formerly Millquarter) 26th October 2019 (peacefully at Slemish Nursing Home) Margaret (Peggy) RIP, beloved wife of the late Charles, much loved mother of Kevin, Marie, Paddy, John F. and Louis and loving sister of John, Sheena, Teresa, Breda, and the late Brendan and Jim. Peggy’s remains were reposing in WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral Home 41 – 43 Mount Street, Ballymena, BT43 6BW. Visitors were welcome to pay their respects on Sunday 27th October from 3pm – 5pm. Requiem Mass on Monday 28th October at 10am in All Saint’s Church Ballymena and her burial took place immediately afterwards in Our Lady of Lourdes Cemetery, Moneyglass. Peggy’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, brother, sisters, sons in law Robert and Wesley, daughter in law Claire, grandchildren Micaela and Molly and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. Detail enquiries to WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 02825631406 or visit: nifunerals.com

Mc Collum (Parklands, Antrim)


Mc Collum (7 Parklands, Antrim) 15th October 2019 (peacefully at Antrim Care Home) Patrick (Paddy) RIP, beloved husband of the late Bernie, much loved father of John and loving brother of Brendan and the late Leo, Harry and Aloysius. Paddy’s remains were reposing at his late residence 7 Parklands, Antrim, where visitors were most welcome to call and pay their respects between 4pm and 9pm on Thursday and Friday. His remains left his late residence  on Saturday at 12.20pm for 1pm Requiem Mass in St Comgall’s Church Antrim and his burial took place immediately afterwards in St McNissis Cemetery Randalstown. Paddy’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing son, brother, daughter in law Orna, grandsons Caleb, Jacob and Isaac and all his family and friends who loved him so much. May he rest in peace.. Detail enquiries to WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel : 028 2563 1406 or  visit: nifunerals.com

NB: Paddy’s wake officially began at his late residence 7 Parklands, Antrim, on Thursday 17th October 2019 at 4pm

Mc Larnon (34A Rocktown Road, Lavey and formerly Creggan, Randalstown)


Mc Larnon (34A Rocktown Road, Lavey and formerly Creggan, Randalstown) 4th October 2019 (Suddenly) Joseph (Joe) RIP, beloved husband of Fionnuala, much loved father of James and loving brother of  Mary (Obana), Sean, Brendan, Martin and Colette (Keenan). His remains left his late residence on Monday 7th October at 10.20am for 11am Requiem Mass in St Treas Church Newbridge followed by burial immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. His passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, son, brothers, sisters and all his family and friends who loved him so much. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. Family flowers only please, donations in lieu if desired to “Chest Heart and Stroke” c/o the family. Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406. NB: Family time requested between 10pm - 10am.  

NB: Joe’s wake officially began at his late residence 34a Rocktown, Road, Knockloughrim on Saturday 5th October at 7pm whereby everyone was welcome to call and pay their respects.

Higgins (Lignamonagh, Glenravel)


Higgins (Lignamonagh, Glenravel) 17th September 2019, (peacefully at Slemish Nursing Home) Stella RIP, beloved daughter of the late Daniel and Mary Anne and much loved sister of Henry and the late Danny, Seamus, Mary, Elizabeth, John, Peg, Eileen, Phil, Paddy, Alex, Phonsie and Vincey. Stella's remains were reposing in WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Home, Mount Street, Ballymena, BT43 6BN. Visitors were welcome to pay their respects on Wednesday 18th September from 6pm until 7pm whereby her remains were removed to Mary Queen of Peace Church, Glenravel. Requiem Mass was on Thursday 19th September at 11am and her burial took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Stella’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing brother, nieces, nephews and large family circle. Our Lady of Knock pray for her. Detail enquiries to WJ O’Donnell & Sons Tel : 028 2563 1406

Norris (Belfast and formerly Meadow Grove, Dublin)


Norris (Belfast and formerly Meadow Grove, Dublin) 11th September 2019 Nancy RIP, beloved wife of the late Michael and much loved mother of Alan. Her remains left her sons residence 36 Royal Lodge Avenue, Belfast on Friday 13th September at 9am for 9.30 am Requiem Mass in the Church of Immaculate Mary, Carryduff and her burial took place immediately afterwards in Roselawn Cemetery. Nancy’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing son, daughter in law Rosemary, grandchildren Peter and Emma and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. Detail enquiries to: WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406

NB: Nancy’s wake officially began at 12 noon on Thursday 12th September at her sons residence 36 Royal Lodge Avenue, Belfast whereby visitors were welcome to call and pay their respects.

Hegarty (32 Taylorstown Road, Toomebridge, and formerly Rasharkin)


Hegarty (32 Taylorstown Road, Toomebridge and formerly Rasharkin) 8th September 2019 (peacefully at home) John Patrick RIP, beloved husband of Maura and much loved father of Michelle, Dominic and Mairead, dear father in law of Ali, devoted grandfather of Cailan and Orla and loving brother of Mary (Mc Alonan), Sadie (Mullan), Kathleen (Kirk), Bridie (Hamill) and the late (twin brother) Danny and Mickey. John’s remains were reposing in our funeral home at 85 Innishrush Road, Portglenone, BT44 8LG. Visitors were welcome to call and pay their respects on Tuesday 10th September from 5pm until 6.15pm whereby his remains then were removed to Our Lady Of Lourdes Church Moneyglass. Requiem Mass was on Wednesday 11th September at 11am and his burial took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. John’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, son, daughters, son in law, grandchildren, sisters, and all his extended family circle. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy. "House Private Please". Detail enquiries to: WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors tel: 028 2563 1406.

Doran ( Cargan and formerly Ballymena )


Doran (Cargan and formerly Ballymena) 6thSeptember 2019 (peacefully at Hospital) Robert RIP, beloved husband of Teresa, much loved father of Tracey (Simpson) ,Michelle (Blair) and Steven and loving brother of Joe, Seamus, Tommy and Rosemary. His remains left his late residence 9 Gortnageeragh Road, Cargan on Monday 9th September at 10.45am for 11.30am Requiem Mass in All Saints Church, Ballymena and his burial took place immediately afterwards in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Crebilly. Robert’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, son, daughters, sons in law Terry and Stephen, daughter in law Sabrina, grandchildren and all the family circle. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell and Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

Mc Ilwaine ( Ballymena and Glenravel )


Mc Ilwaine (Ballymena and Glenravel) 1st September 2019 (peacefully at hospital) Martina RIP, beloved daughter of Ian and Elaine and much loved twin sister of Carolyn. Her remains left her late residence 13 Mooreland Close, Ballymena on Tuesday 3rd September at 9.25am for 10am Requiem Mass in Mary Queen of Peace Church, Glenravel and her burial took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Martina’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing father, mother, sister and all her family circle who loved her so much. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her.

Detail enquiries to: WJ O’ Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors, Ballymena Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

NB: Martina's wake officially commenced on Sunday evening at 8pm in her late residence 13 Mooreland Close, Ballymena whereby everyone was welcome to call and pay their respects.

Brother Joseph Skehan ( Our Lady of Bethlehem Abbey, Portglenone )


SKEHAN ( Our Lady of Bethlehem Abbey, Portglenone ) August 9th, 2019, Brother Joseph Patrick Skehan OCSO. Deeply regretted by his Cistercian Brothers and his relatives. Requiem Mass was in Abbey Church on Sunday 11th August at 12 noon and his burial took place immediately afterwards in Community Cemetery. May he rest in peace.
Details enquiries to: WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406

NB: Brother Joseph's wake officially commenced on Saturday at 10am in the Monastery Chapel whereby everyone was welcome to call and pay their respects.

Devlin ( nee Mc Ardle ) 16 Farm Lodge, Ballymena


Devlin (nee Mc Ardle) (16 Farm Lodge, Ballymena) 7th August  2019 (peacefully at hospital) Maureen RIP, beloved wife of the late John, much loved mother of Teresa and Diane, loving mother in law of Paul and dear sister of the late Anna.  Her remains were reposing in O'Donnell's Funeral Home, 41-43 Mount Street, Ballymena BT43 6BW. Visitors were welcome to call and pay their respects on Friday from 4pm until 6.45pm whereby her remains were then removed to All Saints Church, Ballymena. Requiem Mass was on Saturday at 10am followed by burial immediately afterwards in Cushendall Road, Cemetery. Maureen’s passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing daughters, son in law and all the family circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. "House Strictly Private Please". Detail enquiries to: WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

Henry ( 12 Cushendall Road, Ballymena )


Henry ( 12 Cushendall Road, Ballymena ) 23rd July 2019 ( peacefully at home ) Maurice RIP, beloved husband of Sally, much loved father of Betty, Michael, Colette, David, Liam, Jane and Sarah and dear brother of George and Gladys. His remains left his late residence on Friday at 9.40am for 10am Requiem Mass in All Saints Church Ballymena and his burial took place immediately afterwards in St Patrick’s Cemetery Crebilly. Maurice’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, sons, daughters, brother, sister, sons in law Peter, Chris, Edmund and Stewart, daughters in law Rhonda, Anne Marie and Valerie, grandchildren Christopher, Charlotte, Hannah, Elias, Jude, Rory, Louis, Seth and the late Liam and all the family circle. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy. Family flowers only please, donations in lieu if desired to “Oh Yeah Music Centre, Belfast” c/o the family. “House Private Please”. Detail enquiries to WJ O’ Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit : nifunerals.com

Devlin ( 16 Farm Lodge, Ballymena )


Devlin (16 Farm Lodge, Ballymena) 22nd July 2019 (peacefully at hospital) John RIP, beloved husband of Maureen, much loved father of Teresa and Diane, loving brother of Tommy, Eileen, Madge and the late Annie, Mary, Paddy and Monica and dear father in law of Paul. His remains were reposing in O' Donnell's Funeral Home, 41-43 Mount Street, Ballymena BT43 6BW. Visitors were welcome to call and pay their respects on Wednesday from 4pm until 5.45pm whereby his remains were removed to All Saints Church, Ballymena. Requiem Mass was on Thursday at 10am followed by burial immediately afterwards in Cushendall Road, Cemetery. John’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing, wife, daughters, brother, sisters, son in law and all the family circle. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy. “House Private Please”. Detail enquiries to: WJ O’ Donnell and Sons Funeral Directors, Ballymena Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com

Mc Goldrick (57 Lismoyle Road, Kilrea)


Mc Goldrick (57 Lismoyle Road, Kilrea) 18th July 2019 (peacefully at home) Daniel RIP, beloved husband of Martha and much loved father of Brigeen, Paul, Patricia, Bernadette, Damien, Declan, Brendan, Stephen, Christopher and Jerome and loving brother of Patrick and the late Elizabeth (O'Donnell). His remains left his late residence on Saturday at 10.15am for 11am Requiem Mass in St Mary's Church Drumagarner, Kilrea and his burial took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Daniel’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, sons, daughters, sons in law, daughters in law, grandchildren and the entire family circle. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy.