Aaron Law (8 Orchard Close, Portglenone)
Law (8 Orchard Close, Portglenone) 31st October 2022 (Tragically) Aaron RIP, beloved son of Danny and Liz, much loved father of Grace and Harry and loving brother of Alan, Stephen, Danielle and the late Bernard
Aaron’s remains left his late residence on Saturday 5th November at 10.15am for 11am Requiem Mass in St Oliver Plunkett’s Church Clady, (which can be viewed via the parish webcam), and his burial took place immediately afterwards in Aghnahoy Cemetery, Portglenone.
Aaron’s passing was deeply regretted by his sorrowing mother, father, son, daughter, brothers, sister and all his family and friends who loved him so much.
Family flowers only please, donations in lieu if desired to: “Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust” c/o the family.
NB: Aaron’s wake officially began at 12noon on Thursday 3rd November in his late residence: 8 Orchard Close, Portglenone.
Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell and Sons Funeral Directors Tel; 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com.